We’re hugely proud that we’ve had excellent women training, sparring, and teaching with us over the years. We’ve never been a group that’s great at remembering to take photos, but we thought we’d put a small selection up from recent times!
Women are quite often under-represented in martial arts circles, but it’s been quite awesome this year seeing some of the amazing posts from the likes of our friends at the York School of Defence, or on an island-wide scale across the martial arts shared by Irish Martial Arts Commission (we’re not affiliated with IMAC, but the material they’ve been sharing this year has been lovely to see and more inclusivity and sharing of martial arts is something we’re really enthusiastic about!).
To mark this IWD, we ran some taster classes in longsword and messer, taught by Helen Gallagher of HEMA Ireland, and our own Kelly Anderton, with an excellent group working hard at the techniques.